Approved cluster mailboxes brought quality products to the virtual market place at prices equal to or below any other. Making contacts and developing programs with quality manufacturers, some who had yet to venture into the virtual world, is just one way they bring exclusive products to me. Cluster mailboxes also developed rewards points program for future purchases and low price guarantee on all their products. CBU mailboxes have heavy duty five pin cylinder cams locks and individually numbered mail components. It is suited for convenient mail slot for outgoing mail and their carrier access door for USPS provided master arrow lock. This type of commercial mailboxes has 12 incoming standard mailboxes and 1 outgoing standard mailbox with 1 parcel locker. These apartment mailboxes have a special security collar on all compartment locks. Their durable and corrosion resistant units featured a durable powder coated finish.
Heavy duty stainless steel pedestal is included. It has a thicker, reinforced gate crossbars and the reinforced shelf above and below carrier access door to deter break- ins. Added aluminum channel reinforcement to stiffen cabinet top and bottom. This type of community mailboxes has high security mounting hardware and customized engraving available. They offered a five year warranty which covers defects in material and workmanship of all equipment.