A book produced by the AACC Marketing Services and PVA from the results of the Relationship Score (RSC) from 2004 to 2009.
In 2004, the Delegation Marketing Services AACC (Association of communication agencies) decided to develop, with the BVA institute, a measurement tool for assessing the quality of a brand relationship with its customers.
Called Relationtionship Score, this barometer auscultates each year new areas, commercial or non-merchants.
This study is currently the only way to compare the performance of these brands across all sectors, but also to compare the different sectors together.
22 sectors (market and non-commercial) have been studied since 2004, representing some 191 companies rated by over 20,000 consumers interviewed over the links they have managed to create with them.
To sustain the results collected throughout the 6 years of education agencies delegation Marketing Services AACC BVA and wanted to publish as a book can enrich qualitative data reviews , analysis and interviews with specialists and large advertisers.