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Friday, January 7, 2011

Perfume bio Honore Meadows: reason and emotion

After several Melvita brands like L'Artisan Parfumeur, Tsi-La, Rich Hippie, a brand new organic perfume tackles: Honore Meadows , perfumes organic 100% natural, certified Ecocert, created by perfumer Olivia Giaccobetti. Five fragrances 'bios' will be launched on November 21 in Room Scent of Spring, the space dedicated to niche brands, with a luxury positioning: from 125 to 150 Euros for 100 ml.

A priori there is the confrontation of two distinct logical, paradoxical: on one hand the rational universe of organic, which means entering into details very specific wording, labels ... and the other, the emotional world of niche perfume, where one is more in an alchemy secret, impenetrable. It is almost a reverse logic compared to my previous note : a universe of reason which uses emotion as a vector ( in the care collector version ) to a universe of emotion attached to use a rational vector ( perfume, organic version).

In fact, the convergence of two trends:
- On one side, a bio of emotion, based on strong evocations we refer naturalness (softness,), to cocoon away from the simple functional benefit of organic and value by a extra soul, dream, create ...justifying a high price. This is particularly important in a context of launches organic lines cheap by distributors, which may ultimately trivialize the bio.
- On the other, a rational approach to fragrance that all (major) brands gradually adopt, which values beyond decorum marketing (name, package, and pub), the craftsmanship of the perfumer, the choice of fine materials valuable. In a sense, like the wine tasting, distinguish good wine cheap wine for the beginner.

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